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Friday, November 24, 2006

♣♣♣You oughta see her on a road course or a ¼ mile...

" You oughta see her on a road course or a ¼ mile..
You oughta see her on a road course or a quarter mile
This little modified Pon-Pon has got plenty of style
She beats the gassers and the rail jobs, really drives 'em why-ee-eye-ild
C'mon and turn it on, wind it up, blow it out GTO


Part 3 of 4.

The sunset was less than stellar - that is to say not very impressive. So the night time shots were something I was banking on as far as them turning out ok.

It just wasn't in the cards for the sunset, not enough clouds for one. Not that it would have been easy to execute very many shots in the short time that the sun really hits the clouds for that "wow factor.

We tried a couple of different ways to light the car in the dark. I brought 2 flash units and one umbrella. While those were good, they often left big reflections in the car and so we tried something else, a simple mag-lite flashlight an it was awesome.

This is also know as "painting with light". Basically we tripped the shutter, 30-second exposure and my friend 'painted' the car with his flash light :)

Turned out pretty good I thought! Though I still want to get a little better uniformity next time!!


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