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Saturday, October 14, 2006

◊Stop (drop & roll) and smell the roses (note: no roses pictured in this post)◊

It may come as a shock to you, but I do take more than just super close up pics of breakfast cereal ;)
That being the case...

The Set-up: We had a super dry winter/spring so I wasn't able to get many good flower pictures this year.
Which is really a shame in this part of Texas because of the blue bonnets...this year was a sad crop of them to be sure.

The Delivery: But here are some later bloomers from last fall!

I planted some wild flowers 2 yrs ago...I think in another 3-4 years (if we ever get some rain), they will tend to cover about 1/3rd of the backyard - as they have spread decently from the 2 spots I planted them in originally.

They should afford me ample photo taking opportunities :)


1 comment:

Tim's Digital Darkroom said...

mucho del gayo ;)

you bet man, we need to hit it (the town) and check out some good spots...finally someone to shoot with!!! hooooooray!!!!