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Thursday, October 26, 2006

°°°_D¤n't Be a ¶in HeaD_°°°

Say hello to my little friends!!!

While they look every bit like nails, they are not. They are common pin heads (not unlike most of my friends). Surprised right, that I even have friends??

Now if I was really talented I might have drawn smiley faces and or written quotes on the top of the heads but sadly I am not that skilled nor nearly that patient.

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Photobucket - Video and Image  Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Of course the hardest part about shooting something that reflects so much light, is trying to get the right amount of light and the angle which will yield few hot spots (completely white spots of light).

I usually just use a single light source for these macro shots, a common 40 watt desk lamp. BUT, I also incorporate diffusers in order to soften/diffuse the lighting. The pink hues below are actually caused by red/pink pieces of construction paper in front of the lamp.

This serves 2 purposes: 1) softening(diffusing) the light, 2) being able to change the colors without ever having to changing the light source.



1 comment:

Tim's Digital Darkroom said...

thanks andy - y, it's a blast to discover things like this. I've got some new ones to be posting "fairly" soon :)